Contact us

Postal address: Mielenjuuri Oy, PL 142, 00121 Helsinki

Please note that our experts carry out psychotherapy appointments and EMDR treatments mainly via secure video as remote appointments. In EMDR therapy and coaching, we use the EMDR-Kit device and the EMDR Cloud program. Our customers have described remote EMDR treatments, e.g. as follows:
  • "I was better able to focus on eye movements when I was not physically in the same room."
  • "The self-demand for the success of the treatment was lower in a remote than in a physically present appointment."
  • "Video appointment significantly saved time and effort."
Due to customer appointments, we are rarely able to answer the phone. However, we will try to get back to you within a day.  

Contact Form


Canceling an appointment

A reserved appointment must be canceled at least 48 hours before the beginning of the appointment. Appointments canceled later or not canceled at all will be charged normally. If you or or your child get sick, you can cancel the appointment without charges by presenting a doctor's statement.