
Psychologist and psychotherapist

Our pricing follows the price list provided by a specialized psychologist for psychotherapy covered by HUS service voucher:

Psychologist's consultancy, psychological training, and psychotherapy (including EMDR) for individuals 128 € / 45 min, 170 € / 60 min and 256 € / 90 min

Psychologist's consultancy for couples, couples therapy 260 € / 90 min

Supervision in healthcare: 135 € / 45 min and 180 € / 60 min.

Vocational guidance outside of healthcare 170 € / 45 min and 227 € / 60 min (incl. VAT 25.5%) 

Legal psychologist's consultation in legal matters: 200 € / 60 min. 

Work supervising, group intervention and group coaching: The price is negotiated with the client according to the participants, number of appointments, duration, and target group on a case-by-case basis.

Specialist in psychiatry

Please send inquiries to

Group EMDR treatment or intervention and coaching

The price is negotiated with the client based on participants, number of appointments, duration, and target group on a case-by-case basis.

Insurance and occupational health

Mielenjuuri collaborates with several insurance companies and occupational health service providers. Treatment can be invoiced directly to the insurance company if we have received a certificate of insurance from them.

Psychotherapy or supervision funded by an employer, association, or company can be invoiced to the employer if we have received an authorization for payment from the payer.