Publications and research


Helinä Häkkänen has published and edited five non-fiction books, the most famous of which are Profiloija, Psykopatia, and 100 kysymystä narsismista.

Häkkänen, Helinä (2025). Profiloija. Bazar Kustannus.

The autobiography and non-fiction book "The Profiler" tells the story of Häkkänen's ten-year career as a profiler for the Central Criminal Police (Keskusrikospoliisi). Häkkänen worked with the FBI and many other profiling units in other countries. In the book, she opens up her court cases, explains the methods and history of profiling, and also profiles crimes other than those she investigates. The book will be published on 2 April 2025.

Available e.g. here: Profiloija.

Häkkänen, Helinä (2018). 100 Questions About Narcissism (in Finnish).

100 Questions About Narcissism: The Psychologist’s Survival Guide is intended as a guide for working with a narcissistic person in the work community, relationship, and family. The book consists of questions that customers have asked Helinä in psychotherapy and training on the subject. In the book, Helinä also reflects her own experiences of working with a narcissistic person.

Available e.g. here: Adlibris: 100 Questions About Narcissism.

Häkkänen, Helinä (2009). Psychopathy (in Finnish). Edita Publishing.

Psychopathy is the first of Helinä Häkkänen's four textbooks. The book is the first work in Finnish on psychopathy. It provides theoretical and practical information on psychopathy. The book is used as a textbook in university teaching of psychology, but it is also suitable for reading by a person who wants more information about psychopathy in their own life situation. The book has been written by a number of top Finnish researchers and clinicians with extensive experience in psychopathy.

Available e.g. here: Psychopathy.



We provide EMDR therapy and scientific research on topics related to it. Among our experts, Helinä Häkkänen acts as a docent of criminal and forensic psychology at the Universities of Helsinki and Eastern Finland, and Markus Heinimaa as a clinical teacher and researcher at the University of Turku. Recent research publications by our experts include:

Häkkänen, H. (2024). Asiantuntijatodistajana oikeudessa: oikeuspsykologin lausunnon anto henkilötodistelun arvioinnista sotarikosoikeudenkäynnissä. Osa II (Finnish, the title in English is: ”Servings as an expert witness in court: providing a forensic psychologist's opinion on the assessment of testimonial evidence in a war crime trial. Part II”). Defensor Legis, 2/2024. Suomen Asianajajaliitto (Finnish Bar Association).

Häkkänen, H (2023). Asiantuntijatodistajana oikeudessa: oikeuspsykologin lausunnon anto henkilötodistelun arvioinnista sotarikosoikeudenkäynnissä. Osa I. (Finnish, the title in English is: ”Servings as an expert witness in court: providing a forensic psychologist's opinion on the assessment of testimonial evidence in a war crime trial. Part I”). Defensor Legis, 4/2023. Suomen Asianajajaliitto. (Finnish Bar Association).

Häkkänen-Nyholm, H. (2020). Bruce Springsteen fan behaviour and identification. Psychology of Music, 49(4), 691-703.

Häkkänen-Nyholm, H., Lyytinen, N., Heinimaa, M., Heiskala M., & Varis, A. (2020). Miten koronakriisi vaikuttaa terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin? Suomen Lääkärilehti, katsausartikkeli 23.10.2020 ‐ 43-44/2020.

Häkkänen-Nyholm, H., Heinimaa, M., & Solomon R. (2020). Silmänliiketerapian käyttö läheisen menetyksestä aiheutuneen komplisoituneen surun hoitoon. Duodecim 136(17):1889-94.

Radun, I., Parkkari, I., Radun, J., & Häkkänen-Nyholm, H. (2020). Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: a focus group study of professional drivers. Industrial Health, 18. doi: 10.2486/indhealth.2020-0115.

Häkkänen-Nyholm, H. & Häkli, E. (2019). Oikeusviranomaisten ja psykoterapeuttien näkemykset traumatisoitumisesta ja sen vaikutuksista henkilötodisteluun. Defensor Legis 6.

Salokangas, RKR., Luutonen, S., Heinimaa, M., From, T., & Hietala, J. (2019). A study on the association of psychiatric diagnoses and childhood adversities with suicide risk. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 73; 2: s. 125-131.

Salokangas RKR, Schultze-Lutter F, Schmidt SJ, Pesonen H, Luutonen S, Patterson P, Graf von Reventlow H, Heinimaa M, From T, Hietala J. (2019). Childhood physical abuse and emotional neglect are specifically associated with adult mental disorders. Journal of Mental Health 29; 4: 376-384.

Salokangas, RKR., Patterson, P., Hietala, J., Heinimaa, M. ym. (2019). Childhood adversity predicts persistence of suicidal thoughts differently in females and males at clinical high-risk patients of psychosis. Results of the EPOS project. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 13;4: 935-942.

Haidl, T., Rosen, M., Schultze-Lutter, F., Nieman, D., Eggers, S., Heinimaa,M., ym. (2019). Expressed emotion as a predictor of the first psychotic episode — Results of the European prediction of psychosis study. Schizophrenia Research 199; 7: 346-352.

Häkkänen-Nyholm, H, (2017) Kuultavan oikeuspsykologinen valmistelu oikeudenkäyntiin tai välimiesmenettelyyn. Defensor Legis 98; 1: 118-131.

Häkkänen-Nyholm, H, (2017). Oikeusprosessiin liittyvä stressi ja reaktiiviset häiriöt. Duodecim 133; 24: 2351-2356.

Research publications by Helinä and Markus from previous years can be found in the research portals of the universities: